Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas to all...

A Christmas song for you. Click on the link.
"Sometimes Christmas Makes me Cry"
Christmas – that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance – a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.
Augusta E. Rundel
What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace.
Agnes M. Pharo

I hope Christmas brings you love,

I hope Christmas brings you joy,

I wish lots of hugs for you this Christmas,

I wish lots of kisses for you this Christmas,


I hope you remember to BELIEVE...

in what Christmas is,

what Christmas is about.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Toy :0)

I love new things... especially things I can play with like new software.
Yes, I got Photoshop Elements. I have been taking an online class and I am just loving it.
Can you see the difference betweent the two? The bottom picture is the original and the one on top the edited version.
Kind of a grunge look.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

What do these eyes see?

"The eyes are the windows to your soul." Who said that?
When I meet people, the first thing I usually notice about them are their

I envy those who have colored eyes. Mine are boring brown.
Sometimes they are really dark

The eyes below... yes, they belong to my daughter.
They are beautiful Green, Blue and Hazel.
"Where does she get them?" is the the most common question I get. Her sister has beautiful Sky Blue eyes. Yes, I envy both of my girls eyes.

Well, their dad has Green eyes and all of his maternal side has Blue eyes. On my side (complicated story), my biological father has Bright Blue eyes. Apparently, I have an ancestor from the Mescalero Apache Indian Tribe who had blue eyes. Who knew? Yet, my eyes are still boring Brown.

Bailey loves hats. So, we went outside and took some pictures of her and her hats. I just love this one. She is a soulful person. Loving, caring, thoughtful, bratty (11 years old), giving and very warm. Her long black eyelashes accent those pretty eyes. I'm glad she has them.
click on the image to see her pretty eyes up close

Do you like the color of your eyes?


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Magical Time

Even though I live in New Mexico, I never seem to tire of traditions/events that happen at the same time every year. Like Balloon Fiesta. There is something magical about the balloons when you are walking out on the field. Time seems to stand still for a few moments and every where you look, people are happy. It does not matter if you go for balloon glows or get up at the crack of dawn to watch them inflate and launch above you...the magic is there. I hope if you have never experienced it first hand, you will make it an item on your bucket list. There is nothing like being here in person to experience it first hand.

Our tradition is camping at the balloon park rv camp with thousands of others from around the world. Some of our friends and family think we are nuts to camp 10 miles from home, but for us it is three days of fun. The buses come around and drive us to the entrance and take us back when we are done. Or, we just wake up, grab a good warm cup of coffee and sit with a blanket as the balloons float over us. This year about 10 friends camped with us. Some of the faithfuls that come every year, and some new friends who are now hooked on this tradition.

My favorite balloon is Darth Vader. While I have never seen any of the new Star Wars movies and probably could not tell you anything about the originals way back when, Darth always seems to call my name.


Come and join us next year. Our house is always open.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Starts & Finishes

"The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing."

Walt Disney (1901–1966)

Lots of things to get started as fall approaches, and lots of things to finish.
Most of the time when I get home from work, all I want to do is sit around and relax.
But... children bring me back to reality.
Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the changing colors and fresh air that blows in the house. I love all the leaves falling in my yard. I love sleeping with the window open as the cool air comes into my room forcing me to get another blanket or snuggle up to someone a little more to stay warm. And, this is about the only time I like to bake. Somehow baking is easier when it is cooler. So, Bailey and I will start baking. MacKenzie only likes to eat.
~ Happy Fall ~

Monday, September 7, 2009

~ believe ~

~ believe ~
my FaVoriTe word. and, lately it seems i need to
say it,
hear it,
live it,
it is hard to believe when others blame you for their misery.
it is hard to believe in your kids when they don't BeLiEvE in themselves.
it is hard to believe in yourself when...

one of my favorite pictures when i was in madera, mexico. we stayed in cabins near a lake and i woke up one morning to explore. i found another missionary walking with GOD.
~ believe ~

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

~ shadows are all around ~

Keep your face to the sunshine and you never see the shadow.
Helen Keller

This frog was captured by a young boy I met in Madera, Mexico.

Monday, August 24, 2009

critters of summer

I think I say this every year, but, "where did the summer go?" I have been off for 6 weeks recovering from ankle surgery, and the time just flew by. The pictures below are some of the critters we saw this summer.

a dragonfly hanging out on top of the camper
horses grazing on the side of the road in madera, mexico

pigs i saw at the orphanage

baby humming birds that had a nest right above our entrace way

this beautiful bald eagle showing off for me at the indian market in santa fe

Monday, August 3, 2009


Out on the beach this past weekend, I happened to look down and see something shiny and blue. This guy was stuck in the sand and was about to get stepped on by lots of kids. After further inspection, I noticed he was missing a leg and a couple of his wings were tattered. Not wanting him to get squished I had Frank take him to a safer place knowing his demise was immanent and I did not want to watch.

How often is it that I actually get to hold a dragonfly?


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

13 going on ...

My beautiful blue eyed baby turned 13 this past week. Talk about feeling old. She was spoiled rotten all week long. She had her "friend" party before school let out so it was just family for her actual birthday. I caved and let her get the top of her ear pierced.
Her favoriate presents... 1. a model of the 2010 Camero, and 2. a ride in a 2010 Camero.

3 months old

now, 13

sitting in the drivers seat of a 2010 Camero

everyone always comments on how pretty she is. i think so too, even if she doesn't look like me.

no, this is not her boyfriend. this is my 16 year of nephew Ryan.

click on the picture so you can see her smile from one end to the other.

i think i will keep her.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day

I always try to tell my girls something I remember about my childhood. Especially my mom since she is not around, but also my dad. Growing up as a kid, I remember going to my grandparents house alot. My grandparents house was nothing fancy. A three bedroom house that at one point occupied seven children. My grandmother very loving, and my grandfather while loving in his own way, was a rough around the edges kind of guy. My grandfather had a garden to be envied by all the neighbors and when it was harvesting time we had a big family party. Eating melon sliced in half with either ice cream or salt was what everyone looked forward to. I'd like to think that my love for gardening comes from him.

My dad was always in the middle of the party. He was the white guy that just fit it in. I think my grandparents saw his lovingness toward my mom and me and knew that he was a keeper. I do recall my grandmother shaking her head at times at his unique sense of humor.

I will never forget though, the time my parents took my 60 something year old grandparents to Disneyland. She needed to be pushed in a wheelchair everywhere. I spent about 3 hours visiting my grandparents after the trip. My grandfather was snoring in his recliner as my grandmother talked to me like she was a seven year old girl seeing Cinderella for the first time. She had a map circled with every ride she has gone on... once, twice and even a third time. But, she always managed to say, "Your dad pushed me everywhere. He took care to make sure I got on the ride". He took care of my grandparents, he took care of my mom and he took care of me.

My Dad and I have had our moments... the good, the bad and even the ugly. But, I think we have come to a point in our lives we can appreciate eachother. And, love eachother. I am happy we have reached this point. I am happy my kids have a grandfather who is quirky. He recently took them on a date. He picked them up and took them to Popejoy Hall for a show and then for pizza. They talked about it for days. A memory I hope they keep tucked away for the future. Sometimes memories are all we have left.

Love ya Dad. XOXO
My Dad with his Dad when he was a young boy.

As we get readyt to venture out on vacation this week, I hope to get a camping photo like this with Frank and the girls so we can put them side by side and just ... remember.

Happy Father's Day to Frank. Thank you for my sweet girls.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Before I was a Mom

Happy Mother's Day 2009. Everyday is a special day being a mom. While there are days when we want to scream or just keep our heads under the covers so we don't have to deal with the drama from our kids, I know we wouldn't give up those kids for anything.

I truely hope you enjoy your special day.

This picture is of me and my mom when I was about 7 or 8.

Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.

I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom, I had never been puked on, pooped on, chewed on or peed on.

I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom, I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests. Or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put her down.

I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.

I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.

I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom, I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.

I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.

I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom, I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.

I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.

I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much...

Before I was a Mom.

me and my beautiful girls...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Making Stides for Breast Cancer 2009

What a gorgeous day to walk away cancer. A time to meet up with family and great friends. Unfortunately, it is also a time to cry, hug and remember. I am thankful for the bear hugs from my husband as I wrap a ribbon with my mom's name on it and tie it to the Cancer Dream Catcher as I cry. I am thankful for my girls who are still not too old to hold my hand and walk with me as I tell them that their Grandma Rose would have loved them to pieces. I am thankful for all the friends I met up with along the way giving me warm hugs and smiles. And, I am thankful for the few members of my family who still walk with me every year. We are soul mates in this terrible disease. Love you all...

The start of five miles of walking shoulder to shoulder with others fighting the same cause.

You always start and end under the pink arch.

Matt and Reina are always fun to meet up with.

Orville, Judy and Frank... dear friends who never hesitate to welcome us as family.

Some of my wonderful family.

Suzanne, Liz and I. Our mom's are sisters and both lost their battle with cancer. We are not just cousins, we are soul sisters in this cause. Love you guys.

Sorry it's sideways Liz. You have beautiful family.

Me and Liz.

This is Rosie... She is a family friend and was honored as Cancer Survivor of the year. I envy her passion and tenacity for life.

Come join us next year. XOXO

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thought for the day

Your soul is often times a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite…

Your reason and your passion are on the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

For reason, ruling alone is a force confining, and passion, unattended is a flame that burns to its own destruction.

Rest in reason and move in passion.

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Birthday, A Wedding & A Funeral

Yes, all three of these events happened in the course of one week. Suzie’s funeral on the 18th, Bailey’s birthday on the 20th and Matt & Reina’s wedding on the 21st. So did I go insane? Just a bit.

Bailey’s Birthday
My Boo Bear turned 11 this year. She is very mature for her age and drives Frank and me crazy with all her questions. She is very passionate about everything she does and will rarely take no for an answer. For example: I thought we could move her birthday party out a couple of weeks since we had company staying with us and spring break was about to start. She would have none of it. She felt that if we moved it no one would come to her party and she would just be “forgotten”. So on the 19th, I piled 11 kids in the Expedition and took them swimming for a couple of hours. We came back home for pizza, cake, presents and a movie. Where was Frank in all of this? He was having fun at Matt’s bachelor party.
We made popcorn cupcakes out of the cupcake book grandma gave her. They came out very cute. On the 20th, our company left and Frank made Bailey her favorite breakfast… chocolate chip pancakes. Since Bailey is now fascinated with fish we gave her a gift card to the pet store so she could buy “whatever” she wanted. We went to the karting track for a couple of races and stopped by the pet store to spend money. We ended up with a 10 gallon tank and lots of ornaments for it. Dinner was at her favorite Chinese restaurant with one of her grandpa’s and her aunt.
Happy 11th Birthday Bailey. I Love You.

The famous popcorn cupcakes.

A Wedding
Frank’s cousin Matt married the gorgeous Reina on the 21st. We were very excited to be one of the exclusive to be invited. The venue was a B&B in Corrales. The highlight for me was when Matt sang to Reina as she was walking in on her brother’s arm. (Matt has a beautiful voice). Since they are our Tuaca drinking buddies, we gave them a bottle they don’t have to share with us!

This only a fraction of the family. I am sporting my new farmer tan, and Frank is sporting his very attractive old man reading classes.

A Funeral
Mike, Chris & kids stayed with us for a week. While we thoroughly enjoyed having them with us, we wish it could have been on better circumstances. Mike and Frank are like brothers and Mike's mom was a very endearing person. I ended up taking the majority of the week off so I could help with their kids. Having three additional kids was fun but challenging. Ryan is 13, Kylie is 10 and Brayden is 7. I always thought I wanted boys… I found Brayden climbing on our shed roof, house roof and jumping off walls. I used more band aids in 3 days then I have in 3 months. Frank took them out on a 4-wheeling adventure with the metal detector. They came back with several “treasures” I made sure to send home with them. Rocks, nails, glass and lots of dirt. When I did a load of laundry, I was disturbed to find bullets in the wash. More treasures they found on the mesa?
Having kids does not make you monetary rich (unless you are octo-mom). I was at the grocery store everyday buying something. We were able to get the kids to watch a movie one night, and I think I popped 6 bags of popcorn. I also think the dogs helped eat some of it.
On the night of funeral we came back to our house and Frank made a fire in his new “fire pit”. One of Mike’s friends, Phil, followed us home to hang out. We celebrated Mike’s mom, Suzie, that evening. Told stories, drank margaritas, cried, drank margaritas, laughed, drank margaritas, laughed some more… finished the margaritas, moved on to Bailey’s and Tuaca. I made Phil spend the night with us. He had the pleasure of sleeping in Bailey’s room with pink sheets and all her “friends”… frogs, dogs, dolls. I’m surprised he could even find the bed.
When I took the kids swimming for Bailey’s birthday, I told the boys not to worry about towels because I had plenty. They were not pleased when I gave them Disney princess towels to use. They preferred to drip dry and be cold.
We said teary goodbyes and hugged extra tight when they left. The house was eerily quiet when we walked in and it took us awhile to adjust. I think I was doing laundry for a week to catch up.
Miss you, love you, can’t wait to see you guys again.

It was so warm one day that MacKenzie decided to get everyone wet including the dogs. They put the hose on the slide to make a water slide. No one was allowed in the house until they were dry. Do you see my Mexican green house in the background?

Trying to take a nice picture. Ryan decided he needed to be in it.

Our bonfire.

Brayden the monkey.

Mike wanted a kiss and Chris wanted nothing to do with it.

Feeling happy after a few too many.

Just the girls.

Mike, Phil and Frank.

Movie night. 5 kids, 1 husband, 3 dogs, 1 tarantula, and 3 fish.

4-wheeling adventure. I was hoping the landcrusier would not break down.

I bought these silly wigs at a yard sale, and we have had more fun with them. Can you tell who these silly kids are?
Mack and Brayden.

So did I go insane? Or, was I dreaming?