Monday, July 21, 2008

Off To Camp

Frank and I are free for one whole week! What are we going to do with ourselves.

We dropped the girls off at Girl Scout camp. They come home next Saturday. While I thought this is going to be great, I was already missing them when we drove off. I hope it doesn't rain too much for them. They are going to try and go canoeing and sleep outside. I hope Frank and I don't kill eachother while they are gone.

MacKenzie, Taylor, Bailey and Dulce.

Dulce and Bailey.

Home away from home for one week.

MacKenzie turns 12

My beautiful baby turned 12 this past week. She has grown to a lovely young lady. Still silly as ever, but a sweetie none the less. This years birthday celebration was low key. We spent her birthday going to lunch at Red Lobster and then the movies. On Friday, we had a small bbq with my sister and grandparents... a couple of friends too.

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Swim Team

This is the second year the girls have been on the parks & rec swim team. It is probably the best deal of the summer. The swim meets are not mandatory nor are the practices. If they want, they can swim every weekday night (weather permitting). Swim meets are on Saturdays and they don't have to go if they don't want to. Because we have been so busy this summer, the girls have swam most night but only made it to 2 meets. They can choose the events they want to swim. Bailey chose the 25 butterfly, 25 breast stroke and 25 freestyle. MacKenzie chose the 25 breaststroke, 50 backstroke, and the relay. It does not matter what place you come in, everyone gets a ribbon.
This week they are off to horse camp.

Bailey doing the breaststoke.

Mack doing the freestyle.

The backstroke.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Acting Class and Family Night

As usual the weekends fly by. Below are a couple of pictures of Bailey as she completed her acting class at the Albuquerque Little Theater. While she did not get the leading part of Thumbilina, she did a fabulous job as the mother mouse. The week long class included making a mask and costumes and learning how to really annunciate words with "character". Bailey had no
problem acting out any part..


The weekend was a little rough. I took a big fall on my training ride on Saturday. Go to my traning blog for more information. We needed to finish up the condo since we had people moving in on July 1st. Frank has been working like a mad man and will need to extra thanks and attention from me when everything is done. Sunday we decided to rent movies and stay home. We bought a dough ball from Dion's and made our own pizza and for desert Frank lit our chimnea and we had smores. It was perfect to just sit around
and do nothing.
MacKenzie the gangsta girl.
Mack loves marshmellows.
Silly, silly Boo.
Jazzmine joining the fun.
Osa was also trying to get goodies.