Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Magical Time

Even though I live in New Mexico, I never seem to tire of traditions/events that happen at the same time every year. Like Balloon Fiesta. There is something magical about the balloons when you are walking out on the field. Time seems to stand still for a few moments and every where you look, people are happy. It does not matter if you go for balloon glows or get up at the crack of dawn to watch them inflate and launch above you...the magic is there. I hope if you have never experienced it first hand, you will make it an item on your bucket list. There is nothing like being here in person to experience it first hand.

Our tradition is camping at the balloon park rv camp with thousands of others from around the world. Some of our friends and family think we are nuts to camp 10 miles from home, but for us it is three days of fun. The buses come around and drive us to the entrance and take us back when we are done. Or, we just wake up, grab a good warm cup of coffee and sit with a blanket as the balloons float over us. This year about 10 friends camped with us. Some of the faithfuls that come every year, and some new friends who are now hooked on this tradition.

My favorite balloon is Darth Vader. While I have never seen any of the new Star Wars movies and probably could not tell you anything about the originals way back when, Darth always seems to call my name.


Come and join us next year. Our house is always open.

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