Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Well, we went to Iowa to visit Frank's parents and bring back a car they gave the girls. We flew into Minneapolis and shopped at the Mall of America and IKEA. I have to say, even I was shopped out by the end of two days. Pete came to get us and after a 4 hour drive we were in Hudson, Iowa. It is true what they say... corn fields everywhere as well as soy bean fields. I wish I could have brought back some of the moisture and the greenery.  It was great meeting Pete's family, Dick, Donna, Joe, Bradley, Jennifer, Doug, Sherri and others.  

The girls new car.  It made it 1800 miles.  We drove 13 hours the first day to Colorado and stayed a couple of days with Mike and Chris.  Not a bad car for the girls to drive around it.  Mack started drivers ed...

Dick has a pond on his property. The girls had a blast on the paddle boat he cleaned up for them.  We even got Pete out there with us for awhile.  

 Bailey and I went frog hunting.  Bailey had great eyes for finding them.  I was just the picture taking person. 

There were no fences between properties so you never knew whose cornfields belonged to who.  They were only about 2 feet tall and are supposed to grow up to 6 feet tall.

I tried to get up in the morning and go for a walk to get some exercise.  Here is the road I walked.  Yes, my view were more cornfields.

Frank and I had a private wine tasting in Joe's basement.  Can you say redneck?  Ever had dandelion wine? Neither had I. I did enjoy all the berry wines and even came home with a case of his different varieties.  Do you like our plastic wine glasses.  I was a bit inebriated after the tasting.  ;0)

Donna had a beautiful flower garden.  I was jealous. It is so dry here all the flowers and veggies I planted are struggling to stay alive. 

Windmills were everywhere too. 

Stopped at Cabelas in Nebraska.  I think I walked out of the store with more clothes for me than Frank.

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