Monday, February 18, 2008

Valentine's Day

What concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are. -- Epicletus

Happy Belated Valentine's Day...

While our Valentine's Day was uneventful for the most part, it was quite enjoyable. I came home to bouquets of flowers and the smell of dinner cooking in the kitchen. Frank bought us crab legs and they were so big, you

could hardly fit them on the plate. They were super yummy. Desert was the best though. We had chocolate fondue. Our neighbor Viginia came over and shared dessert with us. Since she is alone we thought that she would want some company. She took us up on our offer and stayed for awile sharing stories of her and her late husband. What stories she has. The girls sat right by her and asked lots of questions about their travels in the military.

My dad stopped by to give us a family present ~ a box of puzzles. We had fun doing the one he gave us for Christmas that he gave a whole bunch to work on. Thanks Dad.

The king holds court...

Zeak has done well in our house. He seems to be allowed on the furniture while the "girls" are not allowed. We call Jazz and Osa the "evil step sisters" because they are mean to him. He looks very neglected here, doesnt' he?

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