After a couple of months of Bailey begging for a tarantula, I finally caved in. I am not sure where her fancination of spiders is coming from, but it is not my favorite choice for a pet. She loves "Tara Tula". She has her own baby blanket for it and gives it rides in her doll stroller. There are a couple of rules to the spider though. She can not come out of her house unless Frank is home. I am not picking it up. And, the dogs have to be outside if it comes out too. If Frank is woking, it will sleep in the bath tub. I do not need it crawling around. I get the creeps just thinking that I have a "BIG" spider living in my house. 

Bailey and her friend Sophie show Tara off. Both girls are collecting all kinds of spiders. They have made houses for them and are storing food for the different varieties they find (dead ladybugsm, etc.) Tara eats crickets. Bailey likes feeding her with a pair of tweezers. MacKenzie and I watch from a distance.

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