Monday, January 28, 2008
Another New Pet?????///

A Night at the Rodeo

As always cowboys are fun to look at.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
New Pet ~ Tara Tula the Tarantula
After a couple of months of Bailey begging for a tarantula, I finally caved in. I am not sure where her fancination of spiders is coming from, but it is not my favorite choice for a pet. She loves "Tara Tula". She has her own baby blanket for it and gives it rides in her doll stroller. There are a couple of rules to the spider though. She can not come out of her house unless Frank is home. I am not picking it up. And, the dogs have to be outside if it comes out too. If Frank is woking, it will sleep in the bath tub. I do not need it crawling around. I get the creeps just thinking that I have a "BIG" spider living in my house. 

Bailey and her friend Sophie show Tara off. Both girls are collecting all kinds of spiders. They have made houses for them and are storing food for the different varieties they find (dead ladybugsm, etc.) Tara eats crickets. Bailey likes feeding her with a pair of tweezers. MacKenzie and I watch from a distance.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year
Happy New Year. Where did December go? I kept planning on updating this blog sooner than now, but life just kept happening. The girls finished the first half of the year in school and were ready for break as soon as the bell rang out on Friday the 21st. Bailey ending the year singing the national anthem at the New Mexico Scorpians hocky game with her show choir. If I ever learn how to upload videos, I will post it. She did a great job.
Christmas came quickly for me this year. I kept thinking I was ready and then Frank or I would think about something we forgot. Christmas Eve was spent with my Dad and my sister Heather and her family at our house. Frank was off for Christmas Eve but, had to work on Christmas day. We had a nice time visiting and laughing. On Christmas morning we actually had to wake the girls up. Since Frank had to leave for work we had to finish with presents early. Once they got moving "present fever" took over and they had a blast. The girls and I spent the rest of the morning loading music on thier new ipods. Frank's parents came over for a little bit in the early afternoon before heading off to the station for Christmas dinner there. I visited with my cousin's Liz and Suzanne before heading down to the station myself.
Sickness plagued my most of the week that followed Christmas. I ended up being a couch potato on my week off. Since Frank had to work New Year's Eve, the girls and I had lunch with my sister Rachel and then spent the afternoon with "Alvin and the Chipmunks". That evening we piled into my bed (me, Bailey, Mack and both dogs) and said goodbye to 2007.
I hope that 2008 is prosperous for you and you pursue any dreams that are lurking around. Enjoy the pictures. They are a mismash of things including our bible study potluck. Below is a quote for the new year.

Christmas came quickly for me this year. I kept thinking I was ready and then Frank or I would think about something we forgot. Christmas Eve was spent with my Dad and my sister Heather and her family at our house. Frank was off for Christmas Eve but, had to work on Christmas day. We had a nice time visiting and laughing. On Christmas morning we actually had to wake the girls up. Since Frank had to leave for work we had to finish with presents early. Once they got moving "present fever" took over and they had a blast. The girls and I spent the rest of the morning loading music on thier new ipods. Frank's parents came over for a little bit in the early afternoon before heading off to the station for Christmas dinner there. I visited with my cousin's Liz and Suzanne before heading down to the station myself.
Sickness plagued my most of the week that followed Christmas. I ended up being a couch potato on my week off. Since Frank had to work New Year's Eve, the girls and I had lunch with my sister Rachel and then spent the afternoon with "Alvin and the Chipmunks". That evening we piled into my bed (me, Bailey, Mack and both dogs) and said goodbye to 2007.
I hope that 2008 is prosperous for you and you pursue any dreams that are lurking around. Enjoy the pictures. They are a mismash of things including our bible study potluck. Below is a quote for the new year.
"Do not fear going forward slowly,
fear only to stand still."
Christmas morning "present fever".

Christmas Eve... The girls in their beautiful Christmas dresses. Oh wait, MacKenzie decided that it was not cool to wear the $100 dress grandma bought her to church. Her friends might see her. She did change when we got home for dinner with the family. The dress stayed on for about an hour before it wasn't cool anymore.

The girls getting love from Grandma and Grandpa. They joined us for dinner at the fire station.
We didn't do a whole lot of baking this year. The month just seemed to fly by and time got away.
But my elves were glad to assist in any way they could (mostly in the testing department).
Our bible study white elephant Christmas party was super fun. My Dad joined us for some great food and friends. You can see Aaron trying to get rid of his lame Christmas music CD's, Linda trying to get rid of her pelican lawn ornament and Frank was glad to give someone some perfume.
After Christmas rock climbing. We were trying to work off all the Christmas goodies we ate. We call Bailey our Spider girl because she can get to the top in no time. MacKenzie is a bit more cautious a
nd I am lucky if I can drag my butt to the top. Frank is just an
ole pro.

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