Happy Twenty10While I said goodbye to not just another year, but a decade, I had to reflect on whether it was a good 10 years. Here is my top 10 assessment in no particular order:
1. Besides the last 6 months, I have been healthy
2. My beautiful girls have grown to young ladies who drive me nuts, but who are also healthy
3. My husband puts up with me and is also healthy
4. We have only lost four pets (1 dog, 1 cat and 2 turtles), if you don't count fish
5. I have lost 3 relatives
6. I am employed in this struggling economy
7. I have some great friends who have stuck with me through thick & thin
8. I have been able to get out of NM more and explore the country
10.I have more house, more cars, more clothes and more shoes than I could ever use.
Not too bad of a list. I just know that life is pretty good at our little house.
Good morning twenty10 sunrise.
Where will the road take me in the next 10 years?- I hope to be back on my bike and riding 2 centuries a year
- Successfully graduate my kids so they can be productive in society
- Become a missionary for 1 year in Mexico with Frank (he doesn't know yet)
- Successfully retire my husband (only 4 years to go)
- Ride through Italy on my bike
- Take lots of pictures wherever I go
- Convince my husband that I really do NEED that $$$$ camera
- Continue to foster good relationships with my peeps
- Become a foster parent
- Continue to know that I can not take anything with me when I die, money, cars, houses, shoes. Except one thing... my kids. So they know to stay close to God so I will see them again heaven. (sorry, kind of morbid).
Here are some pictures of one of my favorite animals. The girls and I love to go horseback riding, and in the summer I'm sure they will back with their lessons.

I am not a good new year's resolution maker. I gave up making lists a long time ago. This year as we were saying goodbye to 2009, we went around the room and everyone toasted something from the past and something to look forward to for the new year. The girls were very silly as they were thinking of what they wanted to accomplish for twenty10. Out of 10 of us sitting around, only one made me cry...Frank. He sure does know how to get deep inside me. Brat
"The best things in life aren't things." This is one of my favorite quotes.
I used to be more of a "stuff or things" person. I wanted all the good "stuff". The better car, the better house, the better furniture. Until I saw a person with lots of "stuff". It was too much and I started judging them for having "stuff" they don't use. They had "stuff" new in boxes they didn't even know they had. I think I realized that its just "stuff", and "stuff" is replaceable. It does not replace relationships. Don't get me wrong... I still like "stuff", I just don't need "stuff". Upon my new revelation, me and the girls cleaned our rooms. I had 2 big bags of trash, 3 bags of clothes (that I will get into one day) and 25 pair of shoes. The girls were similar in their purging. Bailey still is the hoarder in our family.
I am rambling. Twenty10 has started out well. I wish the new year and decade is a wonderful journey for you. Thanks for the well wishes on my knee surgery. It went fine. I just want to get back on my bike and ride and ride and ride...