Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day

I always try to tell my girls something I remember about my childhood. Especially my mom since she is not around, but also my dad. Growing up as a kid, I remember going to my grandparents house alot. My grandparents house was nothing fancy. A three bedroom house that at one point occupied seven children. My grandmother very loving, and my grandfather while loving in his own way, was a rough around the edges kind of guy. My grandfather had a garden to be envied by all the neighbors and when it was harvesting time we had a big family party. Eating melon sliced in half with either ice cream or salt was what everyone looked forward to. I'd like to think that my love for gardening comes from him.

My dad was always in the middle of the party. He was the white guy that just fit it in. I think my grandparents saw his lovingness toward my mom and me and knew that he was a keeper. I do recall my grandmother shaking her head at times at his unique sense of humor.

I will never forget though, the time my parents took my 60 something year old grandparents to Disneyland. She needed to be pushed in a wheelchair everywhere. I spent about 3 hours visiting my grandparents after the trip. My grandfather was snoring in his recliner as my grandmother talked to me like she was a seven year old girl seeing Cinderella for the first time. She had a map circled with every ride she has gone on... once, twice and even a third time. But, she always managed to say, "Your dad pushed me everywhere. He took care to make sure I got on the ride". He took care of my grandparents, he took care of my mom and he took care of me.

My Dad and I have had our moments... the good, the bad and even the ugly. But, I think we have come to a point in our lives we can appreciate eachother. And, love eachother. I am happy we have reached this point. I am happy my kids have a grandfather who is quirky. He recently took them on a date. He picked them up and took them to Popejoy Hall for a show and then for pizza. They talked about it for days. A memory I hope they keep tucked away for the future. Sometimes memories are all we have left.

Love ya Dad. XOXO
My Dad with his Dad when he was a young boy.

As we get readyt to venture out on vacation this week, I hope to get a camping photo like this with Frank and the girls so we can put them side by side and just ... remember.

Happy Father's Day to Frank. Thank you for my sweet girls.